Light it Up Tipperary

The aim of LIGHT IT UP TIPPERARY is to bring together an easy accessible list of all public and private support services available in Tipperary.

To view our full list of services, click on Get Help Now

Urgent help

Light it Up Tipperary is not a crisis service. If you or someone you know needs immediate help take action contacting one of the services listed below. 

If you need immediate assistance, especially if someone is hurt or in danger call the emergency services straight away. Emergency services can be contacted at any time by dialing 999 or 112 in Republic of Ireland or 112 in Europe.


Speak with Samaritans directly, they are a helpline and provide a free listening service.

Phone: 116 123 (available 24 hours a day and free to call from Ireland)

Samaritans Ireland also offer an email service –

Text 50808

Text 50808 is a free 24/7 text service, where you connect with a trained Crisis Volunteer. The Crisis Volunteer will introduce themselves, reflect on what you’ve said, and invite you to share at your own pace. You’ll text back and forth, only sharing what you feel comfortable with.

Text HELLO to 50808.

Pieta House

Pieta House is a suicide prevention service. They offer counselling in centres around Ireland and have a 24/7 crisis helpline.

Freephone 1800 247 247

Text help to 51444

Accident and Emergency

Go to, or contact, the Accident and Emergency Department of your nearest general hospital if you are in immediate danger.

Urgent and Emergency Care

There are currently 29 Emergency Departments (EDs) in Ireland. Some EDs only treat adult patients while others are specialist paediatric centres. Many EDs deliver care to both adult and paediatric patients on the same site. EDs are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


Comprehensive and up-to-date list of Helplines maintained by

Mental Health Websites (Ireland)
